
Slovenian Researchers Help Dementia Efforts


Leading research institute developing smart watches to help older people

Ljubljana’s Jožef Stefan Institute is Slovenia’s scientific research organisation. Its researchers have contributed to countless valuable discoveries and developments, some that save lives, others that make life easier and others that pinpoint the answer to some of our most asked questions.

Now researchers in the Department of Intelligent Systems are using their knowledge and creativity to come up with new solutions to improve the quality of life of older people. They have developed a ‘smart watch’ which can sense if the wearer has had a fall and can direct emergency services or first aiders to them, as well as send reminders for important things such as taking medication. The device will now be tested by 1,200 older people across six EU countries.

Slovenia’s first-rate researchers are becoming well known internationally for their achievements. at the core of the focus on research at the heart of the economy, is the Technology Park in Ljubljana which is home to seven important private companies that are predominantly by researchers from the Institute, and represents an important link between Slovenian universities and product development.